Here is the trailer for Cassandra Clare's upcoming City of Lost Souls! The Mortal Instruments is one of my most favorite series, and COLS is the fifth installment! I personally think the trailer is a bit dark, yet intriguing. When I showed it to one of my friends, she watched it at least 20 times! I'm incredibly excited to see what Clare has in store for us! Note: for those of you who haven't read City of Fallen Angels... there will be MAJOR spoilers!
Here is the cover reveal for the sequel of the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer! It comes out October 23rd of this year. Doesn't this look gorgeous?
And now the cover reveal for The Lost Prince and The Iron Legends by Julie Kagawa! The Lost Prince the first is a spin-off series starring Meghan's brother, Ethan. The Iron Legends are all the novellas in the series: Winter's Passage, Summer's Crossing, and Iron's Prophecy. I personally am a bit iffy about these covers since I'm used to the close up screenshot of faces, but am still excited for the books!

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