Synopsis: "Azalea is trapped. Just when she should feel that everything is before her . . . beautiful gowns, dashing suitors, balls filled with dancing . . . it's taken away. All of it. The Keeper understands. He's trapped, too, held for centuries within the walls of the palace. And so he extends an invitation. Every night, Azalea and her eleven sisters may step through the enchanted passage in their room to dance in his silver forest. But there is a cost. The Keeper likes to keep things. Azalea may not realize how tangled she is in his web until it is too late" -Goodreads
Thoughts: Entwined is a retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses story. Azalea and her eleven sisters (can you imagine?!) are incredibly passionate about dancing. But when they are in mourning for their mother, it is forbidden. They discover a secret passageway in which they can dance to their heart’s content, oblivious to the Keeper’s sinister intentions. You definitely don’t see much of fairytales in YA, and it was refreshing to read. Heather Dixon weaves an enchanted story which may seem sugarcoated on the outside, but it’s so much more then it seems! And see the cover? Isn’t it gorgeous!? I loved all the twelve sisters, they had an incredible bond and I adored reading about them and their contrasting personalities. The antagonist, Keeper, was a thoroughly creepy guy. I LOVE THAT! I seriously want to read about more villains that are more nefarious! And Keeper definitely fits under the “sends shivers up your spine” category. At first, he is mistaken as an innocent character, but it is soon revealed he is more than what he seems. A few romances were also included, but didn’t overcome the story, which you don’t find much in YA at all! The writing didn’t have me hooked at first, but as the plot progressed I found the book difficult to put down! This is for people that like fantasy, magic, and heartfelt family moments! - Palak
Cover: 5 stars
Plot: 4 stars
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